One of my fave stamp companies-
Pink Cat Studios has gone digital and has been on a design team search! I was pretty sure that I would never be able to make the deadline, since I only heard about it yesterday! I only had one Digi image card done and in my SC gallery, but they needed 2 or 3 samples! With the crazy schedule of running my DD to and from school (which takes an hour one way!), my bloodwork and treatments at Duke Medical Center, and several errands in between today, I was sure that I'd NEVER make the miracle happen and get my projects and submissions in by 5 pm EST today!

But those of you who know me, know that I'm not someone who gives up that easily! I created this card using a Dustin Pike digi image late last night, slept a few hours. Then I got up to get everyone off to work and school, ran my library books into the library and saw the perfect setting to take the picture to submit of the card if by some miracle I made it! I grabbed my camera from my bag and the card, ran into the bushes near the flagpole at the library. I laid on the ground and took a few quick pix! I love the rustic contrast of the pine straw against the slightly distressed but still cuddly looking teddy bear!
I quickly had to snatch everything up, to run to pick up one of my prescriptions, and to another store to pick up a few ingredients I needed for tonights dinner. Back to the school to get my daughter (who at 3 years old has 12 pages of homework tonight!!!). Drove out pick up another prescription at a different pharmacy in my new town, but then had to leave town again to get to the doctors office for my treatment. I stopped en route for gas and my cell rang...seems my doctor wanted to cancel my treatment and was ending me somewhere else to get my bloodwork done! So I turned around, recalculated the stop into my GPS, and realized it wasn't too far! IF I could beat traffic and get in and out of the lab fast I *MIGHT* just make it time to meet the security alarm guy who was installing our new system at my HUSBANDS request. (He forgot to tell me THAT!!) Well I did get lucky and while the guy did have to wait outside for 10 minutes, I finally got home to let him in! While he played with trying to get the wireless system online, he kept shutting down my phone and net service. So it took me no less than 9 tries to get my picture posted into my SC gallery -while I cooked and cleaned!
But...the good news...I was able to send in my submissions at literally the last minute! I sent it in at 4:59pm EST! I REALLY hope they like it! Thank goodness my days aren't usually THIS hectic! Tiredly, a VERY happy Scrappy